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kid's activities

Below are our fun DIY kid's activities that all are welcome to enjoy at the garden. These scavenger hunts are posted on the entrance gate off the parking lot. If you'd like to download to use for yourself, please do! We also have magnifying glasses in the garage! Ask Sadie, our garden caretaker, to help you get them!

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Kid's Free Summer
Art Program

Thursday's in July, 10AM - 11AM

July 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th

Explore Jackson's Garden and enjoy stories and art projects on a special theme each week. Geared for kids 10 yrs and younger, we are thrilled for you to bring the whole family! Dress for a mess! 


Color Wheel Hunt

Find all the colors in the rainbow with this nifty color wheel. Poke around the garden and see how many colors you can match!



Can you find three bugs in a row? Grab a magnifying glass from the garage (ask Sadie, the garden caretaker for help), and see what critters you can find. Hint: under rocks, the nature trail, and fencing edges are great place to poke around!


Sensory Hunt

This is a simple sensory hunt young children to enjoy in the summer. How easily we forget the excitement in feeling soft moss or smelling fresh herbs. Enjoy!

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Jackson's Garden

Open to the public.  All Are Welcome!

125 Mill Creek Rd

PO Box 41

Sheridan, MT 59749


2 Miles East on Mill Creek Road.  

Parking at the upper East end of the garden.



Open dawn till dusk daily, all year.

*Produce is for garden members only, and not sold to the public at this time. We do have a  booth at the Sheridan Farmers Market where our produce will be sold weekly starting July 7th, Thursdays 5:30 - 7:30PM


General Contact: (406) 842-7956

Venue Rental: (406) 596-1005

Garden Tours: Fridays at 10AM or call for special appointments. (937) 901-9264

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